Cory in the House
Cory in the House is an American television sitcom, which aired on the Disney Channel from January 12, 2007 to September 13, 2008 and was a spin-off from the Disney show That's So Raven. The show focuses on Cory Baxter, who moved from San Francisco, California to Washington, D.C., after Victor Baxter gets a new job in the White House as the official head chef. The series marks a Disney Channel first, as it is the channel's first spin-off. This is also the only Disney Channel spin-off series to be broadcast in standard definition for the entire length of the show. Reruns of the series have not been produced on Disney Channel, or on Disney XD; however they continue to air on the Family channel in Canada. Raven-Symone guest-starred, reprising her role as Raven Baxter in one episode.
22 min
5 min
United States of America
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Synopsis Cory in the House 2007 :
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