Heathcliff & the Catillac Cats
Heathcliff is an animated television series that debuted on September 5, 1984. It was the second series based on the Heathcliff comic strip and was produced by DIC Entertainment. It ran in syndication until 1988 with a total of 86 episodes. The first show based on the comic strip was Heathcliff and Dingbat, which debuted in 1980 and was produced by Ruby-Spears. Mel Blanc provided the voice of Heathcliff in both series.
30 min
N/A min
LBS Communications,
DiC Enterprises,
ICC TV Productions Ltd.,
Chris Craft Television,
United Television,
McNaught Syndicate
Mel Blanc,
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Synopsis Heathcliff & the Catillac Cats 1984 :
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